Understanding Someone Else - "If I Were You..."


This PET is a way to promote mutual understanding between the people – not agreement.  It helps people look at the world through another’s eyes.  This helps them suspend their own point of view and gain new insights. Three Logo


  • To promote mutual understanding between people.
  • To help people see another's point of view.


Do the following:

  • Have the attendees choose a statement beginning with, “If I were you…” such as, “If I were you, my main goals would be…”
  • Write each person's name on 2 slips of paper and put all the slips of paper into a bag, box, etc.
  • Have each person draw out 2 slips of paper (not his or her own) so that each person has the names of 2 different people.
  • Give everyone a turn being the focus person.  Note: When someone is the focus person, the 2 people who have that person’s name will take 3 minutes each to say to him or her, “If I were you…”
  • After listening, the focus person has 3 minutes to respond.
  • When everyone has had a turn, ask the people to share any insights they gained from the statements or from the responses.

Debriefing Questions:

  • "How did you feel when you were the focus person?”
  • "How did you feel when you were speaking to the focus person?”
  • "What insights did you gain from the statements?  From the responses?”